The Office of Environmental Remediation administers the Brownfields Revolving Fund (BRF) to offer low-interest loans to eligible local government entities, nonprofits, and
private sector businesses to assist them in the cleanup of properties contaminated with petroleum or hazardous substances. The BRF is designed to provide incentives to
clean up brownfield sites with favorable borrowing and repayment terms. Interest rates for government and non-profit borrowers range from 0% to 1.5%. Rates for private
sector businesses range from 1.0% to 3%. Repayment terms of up to 10 years can be negotiated.
Both the loan applicant and the brownfield property must meet federal and state eligibility requirements to receive BRF monies. To document eligibility, prospective loan applicants
must complete the Threshold Eligibility Questionnaire prior to submitting a loan application. Parties who caused or contributed to the contamination, or who are delinquent on taxes,
loan payments, or other indebtedness to the State of West Virginia are not eligible for loans. Sites that are currently under federal or state enforcement actions are also not eligible
for cleanup funds.
Borrowers in the BRF Program are required to meet certain public notice and public participation requirements and are required to contribute 20% of the total loan amount toward the
cleanup effort, though the match amount can be met through in-kind labor, material, or services. Unless the cleanup work is limited to asbestos and lead-based paint abatement,
borrowers must enroll the site in the WV Voluntary Remediation Program.
Funds under the loan program can be used to perform a broad range of cleanup activities that include excavating and removing contaminants, treating contaminated soil and groundwater,
demolishing contaminated structures, managing storm water run-off, and installing security measures to prevent trespassing. Funds may also be used to pay environmental consultants
who oversee and certify the cleanup, and fees for WVDEP review and approval of the work. Funds cannot be used to perform environmental site assessments, such as Phase I or Phase II
ESAs, prior to cleanup.
The documents below provide information and required forms. Interested parties are encouraged to contact OER at
Brownfields Revolving Fund Documents
WV Brownfields Revolving Fund Guidance Manual
The West Virginia Brownfields Revolving Fund (BRF) was authorized by the West Virginia Legislature through the West Virginia Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Act
(W. Va. Code § 22-22) on July 1, 1997 and detailed in the corresponding Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Rule (60CSR3); however, the BRF remained idle for more
than 20 years due to a lack of funding. On October 1, 2016, the BRF was capitalized by a United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Brownfields Revolving
Loan Fund (RLF) Grant. An additional RLF Supplemental Grant was awarded on October 1, 2023.
BRF Threshold Eligibility Questionnaire
All prospective loan applicants must submit a completed Eligibility Questionnaire to the BRF Fund Manager for review and approval prior to submitting a loan application.
Applications for a BRF Loan will only be accepted after the prospective applicant successfully demonstrates they meet the threshold eligibility criteria for receiving a loan.